Programming Language / C / C++ / Data Structures / JAVA / Python / PHP / MySql / HTML / Matlab etc

Enquiry Form

Python Programming

Course Syllabus :-

Introduction to Python  interpreter/shell, indentation, identifiers and keywords  (arithmetic operator, relational operator, Bool operator and bitwise operator) and expr  Unit

Create python program, input and output statements, defining functions, control state  , loop control statements, break, continue and pass, exit function  default argument  and exceptions.

Strings and Lists: String class, built-in functions for string, string traversal, string operators and operations, Lists creation, traversal, slicing and splitting operations, passing list to a function

Object Oriented Programming:  Introduction to Classes, Objects and Methods, Standard Libraries, File handling through libraries.

JAVA Programming

Course Syllabus :-

JAVA language basics Basic features, Java virtual machine concepts creation of JAVA, executing a java program using command line arguments The primitive data types and Variables, Java Key words, integer and floating point data type, character and Boolean types, declaring and initialization variables, Type conversion and casting

Operators and Control Statements Java operators – Arithmetic operators, Bitwise operators, Relational operators, Boolean logical operators, Assignment operator, Conditional operator, if and switch statements, iteration statements, jump statements. 

Classes and Methods Class fundamentals, Objects, Constructors, this keyword, finalize () method Overloading methods, garbage collection, Returning objects, introducing access control, understanding static, introducing final, introducing nested and inner classes

Strings String operations, Character Extraction, Comparing, Searching & Modifying the strings, Data conversion using valueOf(), String Buffer

Inheritance basics, using super, creating a multilevel hierarchy, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, using abstract classes, using final with inheritance

Packages and interfaces Packages, access protection ,importing packages, interfaces

Multithread programming The JAVA thread model, creating a thread, creating a multiple thread, Using is Alive() and join (), Interthread communication, suspending, resuming and stopping threads, using multithreading. 

Exception handling Exception handling fundamentals, exception types, uncaught exceptions, using try and catch.

Enquiry Form

C Programming

Course Syllabus :-

Overview of C , Importance of C, C program structure, executing C program. Variables, Data Types, Constants: integer constant, real constant, character constant, string constant, Character set, C tokens, keywords and identifiers, variables declaration, Assigning values to variables—Assignment statement, declaring a variable as constant, as volatile. 

Operators and Expression Categories of operator- Arithmetic, Relational, logical, assignment, increment, decrement, conditional, bitwise and special operators; arithmetic expressions, precedence and associativity of operators, type conversions, mathematical functions.

Decision Making and Branching Statement  if statement, statement, nested statement ,  statement, go to statement.

Decision Making and Looping  Definition of loop, categories of loops, for loop while loop, do-while loop, break statement, continue statement.

Arrays Declaration and accessing of one & two-dimensional arrays, initializing two-dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays.

Functions The form of C functions, Return values and types, return statement, calling a function, categories of functions, Nested functions, Recursion, functions with arrays, call by value, call by reference , storage classes. 

Structures and Unions Defining, giving values to members, initialization and comparison of structure variables, array of structure, array within structure, structure within structure, structures and functions, unions.

Pointers Definition of pointer, declaring and initializing pointers, accessing a variable through address and through pointer, pointer expressions, pointer increments and scale factor, pointers and arrays, pointers and functions, pointers and structures. 

File Management in C  Opening, closing and I/O operations on files, random access to files, command line arguments.

C++ Programming

Course Syllabus :-

Principles of OOP

What is OOP, Difference between OOP and Structured Programming, Basic Concepts of Class, Object, Data abstraction and Encapsulation, Inheritance , Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, Message passing, Benefits of OOP, OOP languages, Applications 

Introduction to C++
Features of C++ , Structure of a C++ Program, The iostream file, cin and cout object, Saving a C++ program, Compiling and Running a C++ Program. 

Variables, Constants, Operators and Expressions and Control Statements (if, switch, for, while, do-while) in C++.

Functions in C++

Return types in main(), function prototyping, Call by reference, Call by value, Call by address.

Inline functions, Default arguments, Constant argument, Function overloading.

Classes and Object:

Specifying a class, Member of a class, Access specifier , Use of scope resolution operator(::) , Creating object, Accessing class members, Defining member functions, Friend function, Friend class, Object as function arguments, Constructor , Constructor overloading, Default argument constructor, Copy constructor, Parameterized constructor, Default constructor, Destructors.

Data Structures

Course Syllabus :-

Concept of Data Types, elementary structure, words and their interpretations, packed words  Arrays:  Types, memory representation, address translation functions for one & two dimensional arrays, different examples. 

Linked Structure:  Singly and doubly linked list, circular and non circular, list manipulation with pointers, example involving insertion and deletion of elements and their comparative studies with implementations using array structure  Stacks and Queues  Definitions, representation using array and linked list structure, application of stack and queues in simulation, postfix conversion and evolution of arithmetic expressions 

Binary Trees:  Definition, quantitative properties, memory representation, Trees traversal algorithms (recursive and non-recursive), threaded trees, BFS, DFS 

Searching  Linear and binary search algorithms, performance and complexity, binary search trees (construction, insertion, deletion and search), Concept of optimal binary search trees. 

Sorting:  Terminology, performance evaluation, sorting algorithms (non recursive, recursive description, Complexity, advantages and disadvantage, implementation)  Bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, Tree sort, heap sort, quick sort, merge sort & radix sort. External Sorting. 

Analysis of Algorithm  Time and Space complexity of algorithms, average case and worst case analysis, asymptotic notation as a measure of algorithm complexity, O and notations. Analysis of sorting algorithms- Selection sort, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Heap sort, Quick sort and analysis of searching algorithms  linear search and binary search