Spoken English

Spoken English Classes

Enquiry Form

Importance of English Nowadays?

Learning to speak English fluently is now a necessity.

It is no longer a matter of status or fashion; it is now a necessity for a good job and prosperous career. Many achievements in life are dependent on the way you communicate with international clients and delegates, especially in multinational companies. Fluency in English is a requirement in high ranking government positions.

The ability to read and write in English properly is very important in regards to going abroad for higher studies as well as having access to a higher standard of books and study materials. The books available in English have a wider range of subjects available.

There is SO MUCH good information that you can find only in English. Whether it’s books, internet texts, or videos, there is much more high quality, impartial information out there in English that in any other language.
The more you study English, the easier it is to learn about ANYTHING.

Our  Guidelines

  1. We will drive away the fear in the students who are afraid of speaking English in public. Will encourage them to speak in front of the whole class.
  2. Encourage them to speak on very simple and easy topics in front of the class without any interruption or laughter but keep track of the mistakes they make while speaking.
  3. Correct any speaking errors afterwards in a one-on-one discussion as it will not embarrass the students who feel shy in front of their classmates.
  4. Will suggest the students to read in English but start off with easy material. This will help them to form ideas and thoughts in English and not in one’s native tongue.
  5. To converse fluently in English, students must think in the language. Construct sentences for them to speak. Translating from your native tongue to English is not desirable because it breaks the continuity. Will Instruct them to focus on thinking in English.
  6. When teaching grammar, will focus on aspects that are necessary to speak English properly such as parts of speech, vocabulary, and idioms.
  7. Parts of speech includes nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, and their various uses.
  8. With regular speaking practice in the class, students will strengthen their comfort with grammatical details as they develop confidence.
  9. Start with group discussions at this point. Provide some interesting topics. Will allow them a few minutes to arrange their own points regarding the topic.
  10. A group discussion is a very healthy way to have a conversation. The students have to converse without a break. Listening becomes very important here. Will follow what the students say and encourage others to offer counter questions, answers, and additional points.
  11. If some students avoid talking during this time then We will make them speak by providing some direct question.